Concept Art


A work in progress personal project that revolves around a youth who works in a magical optical shop that allows them to see memories through their customer's glasses.Music Credit: Are You Lost - Park Bird (not for commercial use)


Greeting Cards


Little World - Playdate (2022)

An animatic for Little World's Playdate song. It was created in October 2022, when I was still working along side Lumine Studio.

The Life of Kamisato Ayato (2022)

A Genshin Impact fan-made animatic.

A Thousand Sambal (2020)

Cobek and his grandma lives in a village, and they own a restaurant called 'Seribu Sambal' (A Thousand Sambal). Cobek is a very good grandson, but suddenly his cousin, Blender, come back from the city. Blender started to take away all Grandma's attention from Cobek, and Cobek tried his best to regain his 'favorite grandson' title back.